New trends in event organization

The world of events is constantly evolving to adapt to the new times by using new tools and the latest technology that make life easier for both organizers and participants, who thanks to them become a more active part of the event.

What are the trends in Event Management, where is the industry headed, what are the demands of the participants?

These are some of the questions that many of us ask ourselves when we are thinking of new, original, different and impressive ways to organize our events. To help you answer them we have created this small list where we include some of the most important aspects to think about when we organize our event.

Hybrid events

We are always looking for new ways to impact and surprise the attendees to our event, and for this we use new technologies.

Hybrid events are those that combine the physical world with the virtual world, resulting in more interactive and participatory events. Thanks to the inclusion of the virtual part in the on-site event, we obtain a greater reach since we can count on participants from all over the world without them having to travel.

In recent times there has been an increase in the use of new technologies and integration in events is becoming more and more natural, allowing us to improve the experience of participants and make the most of the event. In this sense, one of the trends is the use of ibeacons, these objects have the ability to interact with mobile devices that are nearby to provide detailed and almost personalized information, when the user is within this area are sent alerts and information relevant to him.

Audiovisual media

The use of audiovisuals during and after the event is a tool that cannot be neglected.

When we participate in an event, we always have a greater impact and remember more easily the audiovisual part of the event.

During the event we can integrate the audiovisual in many ways, one of the most impressive is the creation of augmented reality content thus generating an experience in the participant difficult to forget, combining the real world with virtual elements that can transport us to other places. Another way in which we can surprise our audience is with the use of video mapping, a technique that consists of projecting images on real surfaces to achieve movement or 3D effects resulting in an artistic show out of the ordinary.

After the event create a video summary can be important not only to have a memory of the event, but can serve to open doors, generating new links with other companies or institutions as Fran Mateu (Film Director) explains in the post “The importance of audiovisual creation in the organization of events”.

Experiential events

The experience of the participants in our event is a fundamental point that we must pamper and plan when organizing it. Experiential events have become marketing tools with a high potential as Laura Herrero (IMEP teacher) explains in the post “Events as an experiential marketing tool”.

This way we go from having attendees to participants, giving them a leading role and making them actively participate in the event, making them part of it, helping to generate content, being a living part of it, so they will be co-creating their own experience in the event.


There is no second chance to make a first impression. Based on this premise, it is important to take care of every detail of the image we project of our event.

To create a special, different event, it is important that the decoration be original and unique. One of the trends in decoration is the generation of green spaces, we will give the feeling of naturalness, freshness, and a modern and altruistic impression to our event.

In this sense, one of the most “natural” trends are the Green Events or Sustainable Events that seek to minimize the ecological impact.

This is a growing trend that generates a very positive feeling in the company that organizes it, which in the medium/short term will be rewarded by customers and the market.

In short, innovating and surprising the public, creating unforgettable and unique experiences is what will make our event generate an impacting experience for the participant.

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