I want to freelance in events, what do I need to know? | Sònia Frías, EventoPlus expert answers today

If you are thinking about freelancing in events, there are certain things you should keep in mind. The first thing is that this decision, like any other, has pros and cons. The most relevant thing is that, despite having enough flexibility, there are months with a lot of activity and others with little. So you must be a good manager and organize your economy well: self-employment fees and other expenses are unforgiving. It is also important to know that there are different types of events and that each sub-sector has its high and low seasons; for example, at Christmas and summer there are hardly any corporate events, while the concert and festival season usually takes place in spring and summer.

As you know, there are different types of agencies: communication agencies, congress organization agencies (OPC), incoming market agencies (DMC), outgoing agencies (outgoing market) or production agencies, among others. Today I would like to talk about the MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, Exhibitions) segment.

Access to the world of events itself is not difficult, as you can enter from different fields, disciplines or studies; the spectrum of profiles is unlimited. Freelancers do not necessarily and only come from the tourism sector, as is often believed. Some even combine more than one professional activity. That said, there are three freelance working dynamics: office-based (on-site or teleworking), operational (execution of the event in the field) and mixed (combination office/operational).

Office freelancers work on a project basis and at a fixed daily rate, while operational freelancers work on a service basis and at hourly rates. The ideal way to have year-round work is to be able to combine both options. A good level of English is essential and the more languages the better.

Freelance office

The office profile is usually in high demand as agencies require their collaboration to cope with work peaks. Depending on the project, we can work for days, weeks or months. To fill your schedule you will probably have to work with several agencies, so you will have to adapt to different work methodologies and be flexible, since each agency and each client is different.

To work from project to project, having good Excel and PowerPoint skills, as well as being efficient, meticulous and orderly, will help you a lot. If you recognize yourself in this profile, it will be relatively easy for them to count on you.

You can be a project manager or assistant. You will have to pay attention to the briefing, make proposals, prepare presentations, prepare quotations, create and design the program and manage the invoicing. You will be able to lead the whole project (from quotation to closing the accounts) or a part of it (managing transportation, accommodation, activities, dinners, etc.). When you receive the file of a project that is already underway, it is important to review all the details.

By the way, do you know how many people are involved in the organization of an event? How well do you know the different suppliers? Transportation, hotels, restaurants, caterers, activity companies, audiovisual companies, assemblers, industrial suppliers (stands, carpentry, lighting, decoration, furniture, plants, graphic design, illustration, writing, printing…), official guides, interpreters, translators, hostesses, security, cleaning staff, protocols, official procedures (e.g. permits), etc. Without a good production and logistical coordination of all the actors, the show cannot go well.

Operational freelance

This profile is the one who executes the event program. It is the first and last contact that the participant will have at the destination, therefore, friendliness and flexibility, the ability to manage and improvise, plus a good knowledge of the city and suppliers are essential. They represent the quality of the agency’s services.

They are the “face of the event” or the “shadow actors”. Together with the agencies’ project managers, they are responsible for the success of the event, as contracted. There is no point in creating a super event if it is not well coordinated, if mistakes are made, or if a part of the event is screwed up because all the details are not taken into account. They can be very intense days with little sleep. Are you comfortable with it?

Of the operational freelancers or on-site coordinators, agencies tend to work with those they already know. Even so, this is usually the most unstable option in terms of income.

Operational freelancers can be very helpful to agencies by providing feedback on services, pointing out new suppliers and helping to resolve unforeseen issues. Keeping up to date is important.

In both profiles, you have to be very capable of accepting last minute changes (program modifications, cancellations, flight variations…), and have a good knowledge of new technologies: registration with iPads, meeting apps, etc., and, increasingly, knowledge of sustainability in events.

How to get projects or services? Fees?

You will get work by applying to agencies and through peer referrals. There is no freelance association in the MICE sector.

With respect to rates, the range is very wide. Each agency usually has its own. In the incoming market (receptive), office work is usually a fixed amount per day and the operation depends on the type of services. They are highly variable. In the outgoing market, it is a flat rate per day, also depending on the agency. But beware, don’t be dazzled by the initial numbers. Break them down well. Think that you don’t work all year long, that you have to subtract from the rate the 15% income tax and the self-employed fee, which is increasing.

In order to be able to invoice, it is mandatory to be registered in the IAE (Tax Authorities) and in the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (Social Security). Please note that you will have to complete different administrative formalities throughout the year: quarterly VAT, annual VAT summary and other forms, depending on your particular situation. To reduce the risk of inspection, it is advisable to remain registered even during the off-peak months.

On the other hand, some agencies may ask you for the Contractors Certificate and it is highly advisable that you get well informed about the retirement issue. For all these reasons, it is advisable to have a good advisor.

No job is perfect, but if you are passionate about dealing with people, immersing yourself in different cultures and discovering new places, as well as management and organization, and you are adaptable, flexible and decisive in handling the unforeseen events that always arise and don’t mind long working hours, then: Welcome to the world of events!

Are you up for it?

Source – Cristina Muñoz – https://www.eventoplus.com/preguntale-al-experto/quiero-trabajar-como-freelance-en-eventos-que-tengo-que-saber/