Entries by Valentina

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10 basic characteristics of the metaverse

Immersive, interconnected, social, limitless… the metaverse never ceases to amaze. Entering the metaverse and discovering the features that make this virtual world unique is becoming easier and easier. Would you like to know why everyone is talking about the metaverse and what you can find when you access it? Do not miss the details of […]


The 4 superpowers of an event planner

Event planners have superpowers, i.e. skills that make them different and special and help them stand out professionally and deal with the complexities that every good event planner has to overcome. What are these superpowers?

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New trends in event organization

The world of events is constantly evolving to adapt to the new times by using new tools and the latest technology that make life easier for both organizers and participants, who thanks to them become a more active part of the event.

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New scenarios, new professions: Virtual Event Manager

The confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic that 2020 has forced us to comply with for more than two months has brought with it new scenarios for brands, which have been forced to reinvent themselves and adapt to the new times. During this time we have seen the birth of a new era of events: […]