MEDIA MARKT – Oktoberfest
Taking advantage of the different spaces offered by a location like Fina Mas Soler, we recreated a dynamic of fairground games for the enjoyment of the almost 1000 workers of the stores in Catalonia, Aragon and the Balearic Islands.
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the company, different fairgrounds and themed games in the pure Oktoberfest style were reproduced for the amusement of the guests throughout the day.
Before the guests could enjoy a German meal and the beer corner set up for the occasion, different areas were created where attendees were challenged with different challenges such as dancing or strength activities. For this reason, the space was divided into a recreational area, a dance area, a challenge area and a pure fun area. At the end of the event, the guests were invited to the Salón Hispano, where a typical Oktoberfest reception and the best Bavarian music awaited them.