The audiovisual trends we saw at ISE: immersive environments

After several articles in which we have broken down some of the most important trends in the audiovisual sector, we close this series on technological elements that we saw at ISE talking about immersion.

To be able to enter a world where anything is possible, to get into a painting, to move to a new galaxy… Who hasn’t dreamed of it at some point? Immersive environments, while no longer a novelty in and of themselves, enable this and much more. Immersion continues to be on trend, as we saw at ISE 2023. So much so that more and more museums have one of these spaces or opt for this type of format in all their rooms.

As Epson explains, for the experience in these environments to be as complete as possible, the sensations and emotions of the attendee must be maximized. The way to do this varies according to the space available to generate it.

Event rooms

In immersive event rooms – environments dedicated exclusively to the realization of such events, which are transformed with the help of video projection technology – the projectors are already fully installed and synchronized. This allows the room to be completely transformed in a matter of seconds into a different place thanks to the dynamic digital image.

This is the case of spaces such as Madrid Artes Digitales or Palacio Neptuno in Madrid. The first of the aforementioned spaces is made up of 43 high brightness (12,000 lumens) Epson video projectors with laser light source, combined with short distance lenses and installed with site mapping and software intervention for immersive space recreation.

In the case of Palacio Neptuno in Madrid, the venue features Epson high brightness projectors with laser light source, combined with short-throw lenses and installed with site mapping and software intervention for immersive space recreation. If you’re curious to witness their immersive experiences for yourself, you’re in luck: the theater recently launched its new immersive projection service:

Immersiva Experience, which offers the possibility of creating virtual environments of any kind.

Immersion in dynamic spaces?

But don’t think that these spaces are the only way to create an immersive environment for your event. The flexibility of the video projectors and the linkage with ultra-short-throw lenses makes it possible to bring an immersive presentation to any booth or ephemeral location.

Trade shows and pop-ups are event formats where creating an immersive experience is therefore possible, as EPSON demonstrated. During the last edition of the ISE fair, they had an immersive space of 100 m2 with Gaudí’s work as the theme. The immersive projection occupied walls and floor. For this purpose, 20,000 lumens projectors and ultra-short-throw lenses were used, from 9 units installed on trusses to project the entire environment with powerful images linked to the stand’s storytelling.

Source – Andrea Bouza –